Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Next Scandal

John Kerry, sports putz? So says Dino Panagopoulous, founder of "Football Fans for Truth."

The charges:
  • Last month, John Kerry lauded "Lambert Field" during a visit to Wisconsin
  • He praised the Ohio State Buckeyes football team--during a visit to Michigan
  • Kerry said that Eddie Yost was his favorite Red Sox player - though Yost never played for the Sox
  • John Kerry throws a football like a girl (I don't buy this one; I've never seen JK throw a girl, so how would anyone know?)

But, the inside story? K. Grease has it, for his loyal readers. It turns out that the FFFT postal box is located within just miles of the Bush headquarters. According to the Boston Herald, "Panagopoulous denied they are tied to the Bush campaign, though he and his partner support Bush."

Coincidence? I think not. Call Dan Rather. He'll get at the truth, as he defines it.

(Nod to JP, for the tip)

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