Monday, October 04, 2004


[[uber update: i did put a warning below, but let me be clearer: NOT WORK SAFE. NOT RETINA SAFE. SAFE SEX, THOUGH, BECAUSE THIS WILL DESTROY YOUR LIBIDO FOR SEVERAL HOURS. A kind reader's suggestion for vision balm. ]]

How Berkeley Can They Be? Very, it turns out. Yikes.

(UPDATE: As has been suggested, quite rightly, two warnings should be issued. (1) this site is NOT WORK SAFE. (2) if you have any aesthetic sense of the beauty of the naked human form, looking at this site will rob you of it. These are truly remarkably unattractive people, in every way.)

(And, in spite of his protestations, I have to give the nod to JB. I suspect that these are really not his people)


  1. Definitely not work safe. KGM, please warn us next time, not only because eye hemorrhaging is no fun for anyone.

  2. A little bit of me died inside...

  3. Ouuuuuuch! That's some "gross" anatomy going on in the People's Republic. I had to stare at this for hours just to recover:

    PS- I concur, please post a warning for those of us viewing at work, lest we get a visit from a "moralist" who believes viewing the human condition in all its glory creates a hostile work environment; or someone from Berkeley who will protest the idea ad nasuem.

  4. Gee, I've always wanted to know what people wanting to "Get Ascroft" and elect "John Kerry" actually looked like. Now I way too much detail!!

  5. I always like tis blog because the information is light but the sense it has is perfect, it's always concise that's what really like about it.
