Wednesday, October 13, 2004

More on NV as Swing State

Voter Registration Fraud in NV. Separating the wheat from the chads.

Expose Bush, part of the "Hookers for Kerry" movement. (Yes, Virginia, prostitution is legal in NV).

Boy, Nevada is one strange place. And those people may get to decide who wins the Presidency.

(Nod to JT)


    What's your take on that?

  2. If it matters....I am a fan of this perspective. K. Grease is well and truly off the GWB reservation.

    As Renee Zellweger said to George Bush, in Jerry Maguire (sort of): "You had me at Kabul."

    "But you lost me at Baghdad. You big jerk."

    The problem is that it is not clear to me (seriously) that Kerry is better. What a cluster fuck this election is.
