A friend reminded me that it was a year ago that Glenn Reynolds had fingered me (and yes, I enjoyed it; he has very soft hands).
Of course, he got my name wrong (to be fair, so had the Durham Herald, which is harder to understand: Duke is IN Durham, fercrineoutloud. GR is hardly required to fact-check, but gosh...)
In the past year? Duke had the PSM conference, and a few other things caused minor uproars. But we really haven't had anything like the Robert Brandon bit. Sigh. "For the good times..."
The worst part? I wasn't blogging yet, so I missed my Instalanche. Reminds me of Amish's reasons why GR is evil: "He linked a man in Reno, just to watch his server crash."
Thanks for the link to that excellent article by Bob Brandon, whom I consider a friend for about 10 years now. Of course, as you have read my blog, you know I have written a few times why I think there are more liberals in the Academia and my stance is not nearly as charitable as Bob's.