Monday, February 26, 2007

Meetings: The Unled Guiding the Uninterested


People have a harder time coming up with alternative solutions to a problem when they are part of a group, new research suggests....

When a group gets together, they can miss out on good options,” study team member H. Shanker Krishnan told LiveScience. This could mean ordering from a pizza place advertised on television even if there’s a better option, or making a poor decision in the boardroom. “Whether it’s with family or a group of co-workers, we could very quickly fixate on things and all come up with the same options.”...

The researchers speculate that when a group of people receives information, the inclination is to discuss it. The more times one option is said aloud, the harder it is for individuals to recall other options, explained Krishnan, associate professor of marketing at Indiana University.

Meetings down at old Duke U...go in dumb, come out dumber, too! (thanks to Randy Newman, and thanks also to his OFFENSIVE: WARNING! but great lyrics to "Rednecks")

(Nod to AV, who goes to meetings all the time. He must be a total idiot by now.)

1 comment:

  1. Are there any implications here for jury deliberations?
