Friday, June 01, 2007

Are You Really a Poseur If You Can't Spell "Poseur"?

From JJ in NOLA:

In yet another sign that the apocalypse is nearly upon us, i read the following exchange at :
Guy : You ever try Kopi Luwak?
Girl: No, who is he?
Guy: It's not a he, it's the world's most expensive coffee.
Girl: That's not the coffee that's made from cat shit, is it?
Guy : It's not made from cat shit.
Girl: They pick the beans out of the cat shit.
Guy: Sort of.
Girl: So that posers like you can drink it.
Guy: You don't understand the concept of gourmet.
Girl: Maybe not, but I understand the concept of eating shit.

--Starbucks, Court St, Brooklyn

so I wikied it (is wiki now a verb too?):

"Kopi Luwak or Civet coffee is coffee made from coffee cherries which have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus ). The animals gorge on the ripe berries, and excrete partially-digested beans in their feces, which are then harvested for sale. This process takes place on the islands of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi in the Indonesian Archipelago, in the Philippines (where the product is called Kape Alamid), in the country of Vietnam, and the coffee estates of south India.

Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, selling for up to $600 USD per pound, and is sold mainly in Japan and United States, but it is increasingly becoming available elsewhere, though supplies are limited.

So, I ask you, how could you all be so unhip that you haven't told me about this wonderful new and most reasonably priced commodity.

Obviously I need new friends.

I must point out, to the anonymous speakers at the Starbucks, that a "poser" is a difficult problem. A "poseur", by contrast, drinks hot beverages brewed from civet dung.

No, no, don't thank me.

(And, to JJ: any friends you had would be new. I'm just sayin')

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