Saturday, June 30, 2007

Development: Yer doin' it Wrong**, example #101

From the department of Doh!! comes this story: Nigerian school without power receives 300 laptops

"We have been browsing the Internet and we are very happy", Juliet Onah, an excited primary six pupil, was quoted as saying. But she said powering the laptop remained difficult as the school had no electricity and the supply at home was irregular.

No further comment is really necessary is it?

** see some others who are doing it wrong here

1 comment:

  1. It's the story that's foolish, not the non–profit that donated the laptops. Anyone who know anything about the organization's computers knows that they were built for places without a regular supply of electricity. To wit:

    In addition, —- for use at home and where power is not available -- the XO can be hand powered. It will come with at least two of three options: a crank, a pedal, or a pull-cord.

    Excerpt from Battery–charging options for the laptops have changed over time, but manual battery charging has always been an option.
