Tuesday, October 16, 2007

If Mungowitz and Me worked in Advertising.....

There would be a lot more commercials like this one!!


  1. ...must...not...comment...about...grammar...again...


    crap, my head exploded.

  2. LOLZ, wud u prefer Me & Mungowitz ???

  3. ...mungowitz and I...

    alright, there, I said it. When there's an 'and', split it up to know when to use I or me.

    "Mungowitz and I were the Oktoberfest lederhosen champions."

    "I've heard that she voted for Mungowitz and me as potato queen escorts."

  4. shawn, shawn, shawn, language is a social construct that is constantly evolving. Ever hear of "Roger and Me"? if Michael Moore is for us, who can be against us??

    btw, you should see me and mungowitz sharing a pair of lederhosen!!

  5. If Me worked in advertising, there would have been a concrete pump going somewhere in that commercial.
