Tuesday, March 11, 2008

If just saying Barack's middle name is a no-no, what about this??

On the cover of the latest "National Enquirer". Below Patrick Swayze, to the right of Britney and above Starr Jones sits BHO:

Here is a link to the article in the Enquirer and here is a link to Brendan Nyhan's analysis.

Holy Crap people.


  1. His wife likes other women?

  2. Since we’re no longer allowed to use Barak [redacted] Obama’s original middle name, we need a replacement.

    The first two that popped into my mind were “Mary” and “Nancy” but I’d rather not make him replace all his monogrammed hankies. (After all, we've all heard from Michelle how tightly stretched their family budget is, with the barely $500,000/year combined income.)

    “Hillary” is much too butch for him to carry off.

    But if you’ve ever seen the plurally eponymous movie, “Heather” has the perfect air of rich, spoiled, airheaded social-climbing fashion-plate bimbo.

    So how about from now on, we refer to him as Barack Heather Obama?

    In a few weeks, he’ll be begging people to start calling him “Hussein” again.
