Thursday, May 08, 2008

CHILL--EE--PUNK'D! Oh, the humanity

This was at once the best, and worst, experience of my week.

Telephone call: It's someone taking a poll. I usually don't do this, but I'm interested in how they will word my candidacy.

So, the lady goes through the Prez comparisons, and I answer. (My answer: McCain would come below a dead snake in the road, but above a live though wounded skunk).

Then, she gets to the NC Gov race. I begin to swell with pride, though I plan on playing it cool, and just saying that I would vote for Munger.

She says: "The candidates for Governor are Beverly Purdue and Pat McCrory." Who do you plan to vote for?"

Me: " "

Caller: "Sir, the candidates for Governor are Beverly Purdue and Pat McCrory." Who do you plan to vote for?"

Me: "I'm going to vote for Munger."

Caller: "Sir, that's not an option."

Me: "Ah, but it IS an option. I happen to be Mike Munger, the Libertarian candidate, and I am in fact on the ballot. Your information is incorrect."

Caller: " "

Me: "Ma'am? Are you there? There are three candidates for Governor in NC."

Caller: [CLICK]

Now, I am very proud that I got a telemarketer to hang up on ME (Angus can achieve this more than 50% of the time, but I have never been as good at it.)

Still....A bitter reminder that I am going to have to do a lot of work to convince the "professionals" that there really are three candidates. If the polling firm would mention my name, that would be some really important free advertising.

Chill. EEEE. Punk'd.


  1. As a poor student who does polling (we are not telemarketers!) as my part-time job, I must apologize on behalf of all of us. It's odd though because generally polling companies are careful to include anyone. (Of course I'm in a Canadian context which is more accepting of third and fourth and fifth parties, though never any Libertarian Parties).

    If it were me I would call the company back and complain. If they're a reputatable company they'd be able to know which interviewer hung-up on you.

    And I really have no sympathy for people who abuse and are rude to telemarketers and even more so pollsters. They're mostly students and low-income people. If you don't want to talk, don't answer the phone.

  2. >>If you don't want to talk, don't answer the phone.

    having a phone is not a global invitation to waste my time. get thicker skin or a better job.
