Sunday, June 08, 2008

The UN: Looking for a few rich white people.....

UN List of Most Livable Countries, Top Six

1. Norway
2. Iceland
3. Australia
4. Ireland
5. Sweden
6. Canada

Now, look at that. These nations have an population growth rates under 0.5. They have lilly white populations, with the exception of Australia, and one city (Toronto) in Canada. (And the non-white Ozzies and Torontons are mostly from east or south Asia, plus a few Aboriginals or First People or whatever it is politically correct to call the folks who escaped the colonial genocide).

And, their average population density is less than 50 people per square mile. Three of these countries, Iceland, Australia, and Canada, have population densities under 10 per square mile.

So, if by "livable," you mean "I'm looking for a few rich white people," this list makes sense.


  1. Vancouver has a lot of East and South-Asians as well.

  2. Mungo, I think you've been hanging out with Rev Deacon Dr Wright or something. Here's the link to the data.

    It's just 1/3 life expectency + 1/3 education level + 1/3 standard of living. While it seems overly simplistic for what it claims to represent, I can't tell that there's any white devil conspiracy behind it. Maybe I'll suggest they add a "car rims as a percentage of net worth" measure to the methodology...

  3. Yeah everything it's about money, I guess that even with childen...

  4. I would like to live in Norway, some people could think "it's a weird country and they look like idiots into their bars..." but I think they are nice people and they can be the best in Europe. I still wondering, does it is the best country? even better than Germany...
