Wednesday, July 02, 2008
A Favor, Seriously. I Need Your Help!
Dear Friends:
As you know, I have been working to run for Governor of North Carolina, as a Libertarian, for the past two years. Well, we got the 105,000 signatures, and we got on the ballot.
But then things got…weird. I was invited to the final debate, in October, at Queens College in Charlotte. But then that debate got cancelled, and ANOTHER debate, only without the Libertarians in it, got scheduled instead.
The state of NC is really dragging its feet in getting out new forms, so Libertarians can register. The state Board of Elections will barely meet with us, and the county Boards of Elections won't accept checks for filing fees for our candidates. I put up more than $1,000 worth of yard signs, and the state took them all down, because (get this) there is "no election going on at this time"! Ouch.
The only thing that can change this is participation at the grassroots.
And the only kind of participation that matters is….small contributions, from lots of folks!
That's why we are running a small money bomb tomorrow. It's so small, it's really just a money grenade.
Won't you join the Munger "Grenade Brigade"? Here's what you do, ANYTIME ON JULY 3 or JULY 4. Yes, ANYTIME:
1. Go to
2. Click on "contribute"
3. Give $25, or less (the amount doesn't matter as much as the fact you show your support for democracy and free choice in politics!)
That's it. That's all I need. Well, that and GET THE WORD OUT TO OTHER PEOPLE!
Please help! Even if you have already given, PLEASE just give something. It isn't the money, as much as it is the message that lots of folks care.
Mike Munger
I hunger for Munger...Count me in!