Thursday, July 03, 2008

Name that Team!!

So OKC has got another NBA franchise, this time (maybe) for keeps! We are pretty happy here at Chez Angus. The owners have even said they will start by offering season tickets to folks who had Hornets season tickets (i.e. me!). Some possible bad news though, is that given how much $$$ has been forked already in the process, these tickets may be a tad pricey (Maybe Mungowitz will share his mailing list with me and we can have an Angus season ticket money bomb???).

Among the various pounds of Okie flesh extracted in the settlement is that the name "SuperSonics" stays in Seattle. Whatever, dudes. But it raises a fun question; what to call the new team?

Boomers? Noodlers? Tribe? Tornadoes?

Any of these strike your fancy? Any alternative suggestions?


  1. Actually, the Seattle franchise officially changed their name from "Supersonics" to just plain "Sonics" a couple of years ago. I wonder if OKC could use "Supersonics" as their team name? That would be a futher thumb in the eye to Seattle.

    Good for OKC.

  2. How about the OKC "Indian Territory"?

    The OKC Cavalry?

  3. well since there's already the absurd Utah Jazz, how about the Oklahoma City Indie Rockers?

  4. Okies?

    Dirt farmers?

    Please no more drought dribblers?

    Land grabbers?
