Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Ya know, I was just thinking "Hey, we need more government" and looky!!

Holy Crap people, the only thing dumber than this article are the fawning responses here and here.

I think the whole left wing blogosphere has totally lost it. Palin has crushed them! I'm serious.

Check out this prime example.


  1. Awesome. Heck, if the Democratic Party were actually dumb enough to adopt the "build cars with mandatory cruise control so that cars can never go faster than 75 mph" policy as a platform (hint: they aren't), then Angus would have to think about voting Sen. Obama to balance in the incoming Republican Congress.

  2. My favorite line:
    "Our continued, deliberate production of potentially law-breaking devices has no real precedent."
    When did criminals stop using guns for hold-ups? And since when is it legal to use my DVD burner to copy movies?

  3. yes my friends. the Democratic party can count among its many blessings that Kent and Ezra and Matt aren't in charge of their platform.

    Plus Christoph, I know a man that beat another man to death with a baseball bat.

  4. Per paragraph 2, my calculations suggest that it's typically worth most people's time to speed despite the mpg reduction. That's definitely true for Doctors!

    I was a juror for the trial of a bunch of thugs who stomped a kid to death. Abortions for all? Or just mandatory paraplegia?

  5. Won't Somebody PLEASE Think of the Children?!?

  6. Mr Nobody has changed his stance on almost everything, even taxes...
