Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Republicanus Alaskus

A great headline this morning from the AP:

"Senator Stevens' career cloudy after conviction"

Well for one thing he's 84!! The future of any green bananas he happens to buy could be considered cloudy too, right?

For another thing he just got convicted on 7 counts of corruption and is running in an election next Tuesday. However, Ted isn't taking that lying down (figuratively at least, literally he probably is):

"I will fight this unjust verdict with every ounce of energy I have"

Oops, my bad, I guess he is giving up after all.

However, all is not lost as the people of Alaska have a very low bar for their public "servants":

It would be a mistake to write Stevens' political obituary with the election still a week away, said Carl Shepro, a professor of political science at the University of Alaska in Anchorage. Many Alaskans believe Stevens is being unjustly attacked, he said.

"It's very possible that he's going to win the election," Shepro said.

Is this a great country or what?


  1. three words, Marion Shepilov Barry.

  2. LOL! "Be-ach set me up!" Those were good times.
