Sunday, December 14, 2008

Noonan on Blago

right here:

Rarely has there been such a case in which the sin is perfectly represented by the physical presence of the sinner. I had never seen him until the news this week, and there he was, a lipless, dull-featured, wig-wearing moron with a foul-mouthed harridan of a wife. (Oh, maybe it's not a wig, but I think Chicago should know everyone in New York thinks it is.) The minute I saw him I thought: That's exactly what a guy like that would look like! And then I thought: Oh, God bless him, because it's kind of a gift when things look as they are. Not all is shade and shadow, some things are hearteningly obvious. He really was abusive. He really was selfish. He really gives you something to react against, a sense of "That's what not to be."

amen, Peggy

1 comment:

  1. This dumb. Dowd-level dumb.

    Blago is quite handsome.

    And his "corruption" is mere honesty.

    His bravura performance has made him leap up the charts; he is now my fourth favorite Serbian-American. I used to just admire his hair, now I admire his heart.
