Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You Can't Even Trust Entertainment Shows Anymore

This is rather upsetting.

The charge never actually got below 20%. Why would they lie like that?


  1. Reminds me of when I found out wrestling was fake. How could they lie to Hulkamaniacs like that? So sad.

  2. Top Gear is the 2nd best show on the Tele, right after Dragon's Den (also on BBC). However, Top Gear really is 40% cars and 60% comedy. And, they love making fun of Americans. In one episode they buy <$1K cars in Miami and drive them to New Orleans drastically exaggerating violent crime in Miami and violent rednecks in the deep south along the way. Their "prank" on the Tesla is not terribly funny, but [like wrestling] people who watch regularly and have an IQ over 85 know the show exaggerates / bends the truth dramatically. They do things like race Bugattis against fighter jets or Range Rovers against tanks - and it's always a photo finish. The Tesla folks have lost some of my respect for being crybabies about this.
