Tuesday, January 20, 2009

(Not) Watching the Inauguration

The Drive-by Writer offers some thoughts on the Inauguration.


  1. Fort Bragg was closed today, no jump today! My wife and I went to mongolian for lunch. I expected it to be packed, sorta like a snow day for soldiers. The place was empty. Perhaps my fellow army guys were watching the new boss?

  2. Would have been more convincing I'm sure if he hadn't repeated the right-wing lie about the relative cost of the inaugurations: the dramatic difference in "cost" between the Bush and Obama inaugurations is because the number for the former excludes all security costs while the number for the latter includes them.

  3. Come now, Davey. No need to let facts get in the way of a good temper tantrum.

  4. Read it about cost difference in an Associated Press report. Surely, the AP wouldn't lie. Sorry.
