Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Why I love John Darnielle; Reason #43

From his blog, Last Plane to Jakarta:

"You knew when you were eight years old and you saw say for example that there was a villain named Skeletor: you said to yourself, "I bet that is a badass villain because how is he not going to be with a name like Skeletor," and even though he could not quite serve up the whoop-ass to some chump named He-Man like you might have expected given the severe disparity on the Coolness of Names scale, you had a definite hunch that really the game was rigged: and that if the writers of the show had actually described reality instead of some good-guys-rule universe, there would only have been one battle between the two, one which ended quickly and bloodily, after which a barely-winded Skeletor might be seen chewing the gristle from one of He-Man's detached legs while a still-breathing He-Man looked up in horror from the burnt ground on which he lay. You can't judge a book by its cover but judging it by its name is a little different."

"So it is that when I heard there's a band called Vulture Whale I said to myself "self-fulfilling prophecies be damned, a band called Vulture Whale has gotta kick ass." And indeed my brethren the shit is live. They sound like Silkworm. Then after a while they sound kind of like the 3Ds a little. Mainly though there is a heavy Silkworm injection here. That is 100% OK by me. There should be more bands who sound like Silkworm and less who sound like they think they have something original to contribute to the field of Rocking Dionysiac Abandon. That shit is straight played out, man. Vulture Whale is not played out. They groove like Silkworm and I, for one, will take it.

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