Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh yeah, we're all that (and a bag of chips)

"To be a complete economist, a man need only be a mathematician, a philosopher, a psychologist, an anthropologist, a historian, a geographer, and a student of politics; a master of prose exposition; and a man of the world with experience of practical business and finance, an understanding of the problems of administration, and a good knowledge of four or five languages. All this in addition, of course, to familiarity with the economic literature itself."

---G.L.S. Shackle

Hat tip to Ed Lopez


  1. or... you could be Paul Krugman.

    Pride goeth before the fall.

  2. So I guess we have had no complete economist since Keynes?

  3. Dammit... if he'd only left off that last requirement...
