I read PSJR sometimes. And then I read this, and shudder for our future. These are the scholars of tomorrow, in Poli Sci.
Let me reproduce the brilliant repartee:
is all of Oklahoma a bit slow?(11 posts)
Anonymous Unregistered
I just got my sorry but no thanks letters
Anonymous Unregistered
Oklahoma is a different kind of slow
Anonymous Unregistered
Yes. Once you cross the Red River, you're in trouble.
Anonymous Unregistered
Because Texas is known for its brilliance.
Anonymous Unregistered
everything's relative, yo.
Anonymous Unregistered
everything's relative, yo.: Don't let Bovine see this.
Anonymous Unregistered
Since one of the schools (I forget which) hired a President who had been fired from TTU, I would say that, indeed, Oklahoma is sloooooooooooooooooooow.
Anonymous Unregistered
Let's have Cameron and McCarty fight this one out.
Anonymous Unregistered
I like where this discussion is going, but it needs more Jas.
Anonymous Unregistered
Lib elitism is always such a wonderful sight.
Anonymous Unregistered
Right, liberal elitism caused them to take seven months to send out the letters.
When one university bureaucracy (dog bites man) is very slow, then one should conclude that the entire state is slow. So, no liberal elitism did NOT delay the letters. Liberal elitism caused the OP to confuse a university with an entire state's population. The places s/he flies over between New York and San Francisco...none of those universities hired you....again. It can't be because your work sucks, right? It has to be because "those people," all of them, are slow. They don't DESERVE you, pumpkin. You are much too good for all those slow Oklahomans. Keep telling yourself that. Maybe it will help.
And you think these young 'uns are somehow different from their parents?