Friday, September 04, 2009

Change you can believe in, and drink

Blue Matter compares Pepsi and Coke logos over the years.

I had not realized this difference. Interesting.


  1. i wonder if it's not so much of a timeless logo as it is that coke has been the #1 for...well...ever. I'd imagine that the #1 will tend to be more conservative in every industry than will their followers.

  2. Very interesting. I had no idea that, before becoming a soft drink, Pepsi Cola had been a death metal band.

  3. It seems a little disingenuous to ignore New Coke and Coca-Cola Classic.

  4. things that are less consequential than this include,....,sorry, I am drawing a blank

  5. "...anonymously commenting that a blog post is inconsequential." There...fixed that for ya, anon.

  6. Well I think Coca-Cola has this advantage on logos 'cause if you see is older than Pepsi and people like coca-cola since ever. Pepsi change logos as a strategy to attract more people, anyway, all logos including coca logo are very cool.
