Saturday, December 19, 2009

Incontrovertible proof that Economics is a Science!

Hat tip to Gabriel M.!!


  1. Indeed, mathematical economics is controversial or there wouldn't be the "Austrian school".By the way, I have just added a Reference List to my economics blog with economic data series, history, bibliographies etc. for students & researchers. Currently over 200 meta sources, it will in the next days grow to over a thousand. Check it out and if you miss something, feel free to leave a comment.

  2. Love the post, I also think that economics is in some way a science, it takes a lot of formulas and calculations to reach a final result.

  3. It is hilarious, and at the same time so true, it is indeed a science.

  4. Really funny photo specially because that professor is still in the stone age because of the way he tries to teach to the students.
