Interesting horse race from HotAirPundit, on who were the real poll cats and who stunk.
Blue Mass Group had Coakley +8? Even Kos played it straighter than that, calling it a toss-up. What did Blue Mass Group do, talk to everybody's mom? That's not a very random selection algorithm.
And Zogby...really?....what the heck?
(Nod to the NCM)
Dogs are seriously some of the most annoying animals on the planet. I hate them with a passion. All they do is slobber, bark in your face, jump on you, and they can't take care of themselves. It's like taking care of a baby. You can't even leave your home for an extended period of time, because the stupid dog will pee and crap all over the place in the house, and most likely destroy the furniture. Just thinking about it, makes me want to kick the first dog I see in the face.