Saturday, February 13, 2010

Houston, we have an idiot!


  1. I have to be honest, I don't think I understand who a teabagger is. By that I mean, prior to the word reaching the mainstream, I thought the person performing the action, and owner of the "teabag," was the teabagger.

    So there was nothing wrong with being the teabagger. Your were simply asserting your your dominance. It was the teabaggee would was in the troubling position.

    To apply my understanding of the word to the political realm means that the teabaggers are teabagging democrats, and Obama. (Or the teabaggers believe they are.) That is democrats and Obama are the teabaggees. When liberals call these people teabaggers they are implicitly calling themselves teabaggees.

    And really on which end of this activity would you want to be?

  2. Doh! I pressed post instead of preview. Well I hope you catch my drift.
