Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Hero

Giving a talk in Denver on Friday. Working on polishing my presentation, but it will probably turn out like this:

YIKES! Run while you can.


  1. The key question is, will you regret posting this less than 10 days before your graduate student's dissertation proposal?

  2. I don't know what's worse. This or:

    "I could have e-mailed you my powerpoint deck, and you could have read it in four hours. But I prefer making you sit here for 75 minutes while I flip through each slide frantically and pretending you should understand every word."

    The latter is a popular lecturing strategy in my PhD program.

  3. I read the paper yesterday and will be in attendance.

  4. I think this comic is very funny! I really like the illustrations too. Thanks for sharing it
