Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Zombie Joseph Beuys?

FYI, Mungowitz, here are the top 5 reasons why I don't vote:

5. So Bryan Caplan can't make fun of me

4. No tax deduction given for voting

3. It only encourages them

2. I work in a university, so I already interact with plenty of officious bureaucrats

1. No jury duty

(context for title is here)


  1. Bob Lawson Just got called to jury duty from the DMV records

  2. jury duty. Ah yes. that is it. Thrice in 12 months. No good deed.

  3. But wouldn't not voting possibly give aid and comfort to the enemy?

    Wouldn't bad pols say, "My people must think I'm doing well, or they'd be voting against me in greater numbers. Let's go further in this bad direction!"?
