Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Lib Nat Conv: Back Now

Whoa. The LP National Convention was pretty darned tiring. Didn't help that we had to drive Raleigh to St Louis to Raleigh. That's 1,700 miles for the round trip.

But we got to see some great stuff. I enjoyed giving the main banquet speech (Neil Boortz out, Munger in! Strange...), and Dr. Mary Ruwart did a terrific job raising big $$ for ballot access.

We elected a new LNC.

And, of course, Starchild was in the house. This outfit, I thought was a tour de force. (Picture from Mike S., who is the one wearing the blue sirt, and no top hat).

I feel I have to explain about Starchild. He is beloved, and rightly so. Sure, the way he dresses is a bit over top / under the bottom / whatever you want to say. But he is amazingly charismatic, gentle, and serious. His message is of real brother / sisterhood, and that you have to look past the outside, whether it's skin color or feather boas (or, as in the picture above, a big black bow tied like a present over a black silk thong) to see the real person. If that is not the core of libertarianism I don't know what is. Starchild is the best, seriously. (And the ladies in our delegation were pretty vocal in their admiration of Starchild's hard work at the gym, and were glad that he was willing to share it publicly. Some things are complex, and some are simple. Starchild is mostly pretty simple, in the best possible way...)

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