Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Winning ugly

People, is Brad Gilbert somehow coaching both teams in the NBA finals? Aside from the Lakers' performance in game 1, this has been an ugly, tedious series so far.

Last night, Kobe notched 29 points on 29 shots (Can you say "Allan Iverson"? I knew that you could)! The interior passing and moving without the ball that the Lakers showed so well in game 1 continued to be completely absent in game 3. LA had a total of 13 assists for the entire game.

The Cs main scorers, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce were a combined 5-25!

From the three point line the two teams collectively shot 6-33!

The foul parade slowed down slightly with "only" 47 personals assessed.

I can't believe I am saying this, as I am a HUGE NBA fan, but I am probably going to boycott the rest of this series.

Wake me up when the Nets sign Phil Jackson and LeBron!


  1. Yaaaaaay!

    -Biggest Nets/KPC Fanboy in the universe.

  2. Anon: bad bad news, Nets hired the Lil General, Avery Johnson. Devon Harris already knows and HATES Avery from the Mavs. This is a very weird and F-d move that does not bode well for the Nets, unless AJ has pics of LeBron wearing Adidas or something similar to use as blackmail.
