Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Starbucks: Recycle no can do...

Jacob "Coffee Boy" Grier has an interesting piece on recycling.

If this stuff is so valuable, why do I have to pay so much to get it taken away? And if YOU think it's valuable then YOU *&%*%g take it.

Which reminds me of Dan's revised piece, also.


  1. >> "If this stuff is so valuable, why do I have to pay so much to get it taken away? And if YOU think it's valuable then YOU *&%*%g take it."

    Absolutely, slam-dunk!

  2. Since Jan 1 the State of NC makes us recycle plastic drink bottles. I live in the county so I take our trash to the dump myself. Every week the plastic bottle bin (which is the size of a shipping container) is overflowing. The attendant told me that the county doesn't empty it very often because they can't get rid of the empty bottles.

  3. funny, I think of Jacob as "vodka boy"!

  4. Now that's a low blow, Angus! At least let me be Genever Boy.
