Tuesday, November 02, 2010

'lection day

Hello people. Election days always make me melancholy. People get so worked up and excited about who is going to "take power" and "govern us". People get so worked up about ballot initiatives telling other people what they can and cannot do.

I just hang out, keep a low profile, and hope for some anarchy.

So please consider (a) voting Libertarian, or Green or some other alternative, (b) going the creative write-in route, (c) spoiling your ballot (I absolutely LOVE that term), or (d) not voting at all.


  1. Does voting for Feingold count as "spoiling your ballot"?

  2. Wow, this kid really wants some blog hits.

  3. I totally read that as "soiling your ballot" at first. Either one seems appropriate. ;)

  4. Too bad for Russ. He was stronger on civil liberties than this shirt is likely to be. He also voted against TARP. I'd trade him for Reid any day of the week.
