Wednesday, January 05, 2011

End of Year Column From KPC Friend "Thomas"

An end of year column from KPC friend "Thomas." A wide-ranging and fun column, I'd say.

I became a devout follower of Austrian economics starting in the late 90s, which, at the time, was on a par with joining NAMBLA. I must ensure that being a wingnut is not undermining my financial stability. As to why you might wish to keep reading I have several arguments. Whatever it is I am doing has worked remarkably well. In 31 years I had only one year in which my total wealth decreased in nominal dollars. (Peek ahead to Figure 3 if you wish.) In addition, any economist will tell you that when the free market fails a black market emerges. The blogs are the black market of information. Noted economist Russ Roberts once asserted that reading five blogs is probably better than going to an economics lecture. The blogs, in conjunction with a serious filter, protect you from those who traffic in financial products and misinformation. I ride the blogs pretty hard and am pretty good at distilling complexity down to the extracts of beets and carrots.



  1. I need to read five blogs? Well, there's this one, Cafe Hayek, Reason's Hit & Run, Popehat...

    Damn! I'm one short. I blame those guys at Reason -- there's must be 20 of them; they write faster than I can read.

  2. ^^
    Add and you've got my list right there.

  3. Phenomenal paper. Apparently I need to read more blogs.
