Friday, March 18, 2011

Europe Rising: American Economics Hegemony Threatened?

Is the hegemony of American economists in "top" journals being threatened by our European colleagues?

"Internationalisation has meant a growing voice for Europe within the economics literature...Some Americans pooh-pooh Europe’s rise. Many new journals have started up in recent years, and European papers are far more common in their pages. But this cannot fully explain the fall in North America’s market share. Controlling for new journals, the share of European papers still rose markedly...Americans need not panic. Economists affiliated to North American institutions contribute 76% of articles in the top journals. They receive a disproportionate number of citations." [The Economist]
(Credit: The Economist) Nod to Kevin Lewis

1 comment:

  1. Economists affiliated to North American institutions contribute 76% of articles in the top journals. They receive a disproportionate number of citations.

    Do they mean disproportionate when controlled for journal rank? If not, this is dismal scientometrics.
