Monday, October 03, 2011

Great Googly Moogly

Have you seen the 13 demands post from

It's a doozy.

I'm stunned to see "open borders" in there with no fossil fuel, free college, cancellation of all debts for everyone, $2 Trillion in new spending. Also very surprised to not see anything about the wars and defense spending.


  1. "Also very surprised to not see anything about the wars and defense spending."

    I'm not. Its dem party class warfare. Now that the Dems have a president in charge of the military, the party leadership doesn't want to talk about the war in a negative way.

  2. I'm always amazed to see socialists supporting import tariffs. Even if for the sake of argument we grant that tariffs help local workers, wouldn't they hurt foreign workers? Don't foreign workers matter to international socialists?

  3. I was having trouble taking them seriously before; now I'm just a little bit impressed, but not in a good way.

  4. That's a pretty lousy list.

  5. Demand 4 response: free college education? Yeah, good luck getting even your most Lefty professors to provide you an education without paying him or her.

    Demand 11 response: make all debts be forgiven? And screw over anybody that lends money. Who would ever want to lend money in the future after such an idiotic move? Are these people seriously suggesting anyone who so much has a savings account get screwed out of their are made from the money deposited in savings accounts, CDs, bonds, etc.

    Demand 12 response: we won't even need credit rating agencies after getting your idiotic way in Demand 11...who the hell is ever going to lend money again?

  6. @dangph: Would that make them national socialists?

  7. Witness the birth of the Liberal Tea Party! (Although the Dem politicians seem to have not caught the message to start demagoguing yet.)

    And yeah, Demand 1 (2,3, and 13) + Demand 9, how's that gonna work out?

  8. Ooh, just started reading the comment thread. Some of the trolls are GOOD.

  9. Demand three is the best: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

    No one has to work anymore! I wonder who is going to provide the medical services guaranteed by #2. Of course, some people will just want to work -- for example: cops.

  10. Wow, that's crazy. I fully agree with demand 10, though.
