I'm thinking it's fake. Elsewhere on the web I saw a notice with extremely similar wording but which refers to a dorm shower drain. A drain makes a bit more sense than a floor in terms of "not being designed to handle your semen."
HuffPo reports that it is a prank. "But the notice was dismissed as a "prank" by the university, with one press officer struggling to contain her amusement as she confirmed, "No, it's definitely not true".
Can we assume then that the press officer is saying it is perfectly acceptable to, uh, you know...
I'm thinking it's fake. Elsewhere on the web I saw a notice with extremely similar wording but which refers to a dorm shower drain. A drain makes a bit more sense than a floor in terms of "not being designed to handle your semen."
ReplyDeleteIf it's real, maybe a decent candidate for http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/
ReplyDeleteThey're finally getting on to the fundamentals -- teaching hand-to-gland combat.
ReplyDeleteSure, it's off-topic.
Don't come around here no more.
ReplyDeleteBunch of wankers.
ReplyDeleteHuffPo reports that it is a prank. "But the notice was dismissed as a "prank" by the university, with one press officer struggling to contain her amusement as she confirmed, "No, it's definitely not true".
ReplyDeleteCan we assume then that the press officer is saying it is perfectly acceptable to, uh, you know...
Different Durham. Same problem.