Friday, November 18, 2011

Room Assignment Puzzle

Question: Should Duke allow side payments in room assignment process?

Answer: why not?

Real answer: Nope, they do not allow it. And they are threateing "referrals." I don't know what that means, but it frightens me.


  1. This is really strange. Rent control usually works fabulously.

  2. Great writing over at the Euvoluntary site. Thanks for posting.

    (The Euvoluntary EconTalk was great, by the way.)

  3. The funny thing is that, in the end, it wouldn't have mattered anyway: the offers would all have been rescinded anyway when fraternities realized it was more desirable to live on Central, which has the worst housing but is where all the sororities will now be. The one fraternity that originally tried to "legally" switch without payment rescinded their offer when far too many people were willing to trade nicer housing to be near some very nice-looking Duke coeds. Just goes to show that you can never quite guess what maximizes people's utility...although betting on fraternities choosing girls over everything is usually pretty safe.

  4. The above commenter is incorrect. Groups had the opportunity to prefer Central Campus and almost all chose not to do so. Most fraternities have no interest in being on Central; everything in that comment is wrong.

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