Friday, April 06, 2012


So, Eugenio took JP and me out to the Tip Y Tap, a distinctly Chilean place. (Okay, a distinctly Chilean place that specializes in hamburgers, hot dogs, and french fries, but...well, trust me, it's distinctly Chilean. Paltas on EVERYTHING).

We were food explorers in search of "crudo." The particular version of crudo I sought was "tartaro": .75 kilos of raw ground beef, with a big raw egg on top. Just so you get the idea:

You add a lot of lemon juice, aji, cebollas, and perejil, and stir (plus, you stir in the egg). Then you eat, with beer. It's pretty darned good. The EYM had it, last time we were here (2010). Once you get used to the idea that you are eating totally raw meat, and lots of it, it tastes great!


  1. Mike, if you like steak tartare, Vin Rouge in Durham makes a great tartare, right around the corner from my house.

  2. I never have liked steak tartare. Bland, not that tasty. The additions made a big difference. Lemon juice, especially.

  3. I will take my "crudo" well done, thanks.

  4. If it's well-done, it's not crudo.

    The ethiopian version, kitfo, is also pretty good. Raw beef, butter, and spices, heated roughly to body temperature.

  5. Man, you are making me jealous with this food Odyssey of yours. Beer and crudo, mmmm.

    Just make sure you take your flax seed or fish oils, you don't wanna go all hypertriglyceridemic on us.

  6. You ate that big ass pile of meat on good friday? My christ-loving friend tells me you're going to hell.

  7. No, I had the big ass pile of meat on Thursday. But a good point: mentioning on Good Friday is also doubtless a sin.
