Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's all connected, people

We've been getting woken up once or twice a week by a series of unearthly sounds from the park next door. I initially attributed it to a screech owl, but it turns out that they don't actually screech! Research led us to suspect the barred owl.

Made me wonder what they were all about.

Then in this morning's tabloid I read a story about a barred owl repeatedly attacking a jogger.

Did a little more research and discovered this.

Couldn't agree more.


  1. In Durham they frame people for murder- http://www.google.com/search?q=Durham+owl+theory

    There's no sound quite as scary as an owl handing an envelope of money over to a bent cop.

    If you want to check your sound id, or just confuse everyone in nearby offices, the macaulay library at Cornell has over 50 audio recordings of barred owls online at http://macaulaylibrary.org/

  2. Eagles are assholes too: one divebombed are family riding up the chair lift at Park City.
