Thursday, December 27, 2012

Penn and Teller on Gun Control

This is worth watching. As always, Penn and Teller make some good points, some not as good points, and some things are just wrong.  But it's interesting and well done.

UPDATE:  I found this, over at Popehat (thanks, Patrick!).  Disturbing on two levels.  First, the presumption of doctors to think they have expertise on constitutional matters.  Second, relatedly but still separate, the imperialistic tendency of medical mavens to try to treat any action they don't like, for whatever reason, as a "public health" problem.  Ick.


  1. Just out of curiousity, did you read the source article? and the date of publication?

  2. Money quote in the video at about 13:55 - "new meaning to the phrase 'gun rack'"

  3. That might be the least compelling anti-gun control rant I have ever seen.

  4. Which parts of the p and t episode did you think we're wrong?
