Monday, January 21, 2013

The Culture that is Hollywood

Here's Leonardo di Caprio on his upcoming plans:

"I am a bit drained. I'm now going to take a long, long break. I've done three films in two years and I'm just worn out.  I would like to improve the world a bit. I will fly around the world doing good for the environment"

1. Three films in two years? We need legislation to stop this kind of worker exploitation.

2. The only way that last sentence works is if Leo can fly just by flapping his arms.

What do you think people? How can LDC best help "improve the world"? Tell me in the comments.


  1. He could improve the world by releasing a Bar Refaeli sex tape...

  2. I've got some carbon offsets he could invest in. The offsets specify that for an upfront fee, I will plant a tree deep in the woods each time Leo flies on a plane in 2013. Of course, I don't work cheap, and planting trees in the woods is time consuming, so they will not come cheaply.

  3. Amazing that he finds standing in front of a lens and speaking words that someone else wrote to be exhausting. It's more revealing that he thinks it would be less exhausting to simply "improve the world." I believe that your betterment of the world is a direct function of how much effort or trouble you undertake. Marching to fight kidney disease is easy, and provides no help. Donating a kidney is hard, and helps a lot. Flying around the world and posing for pictures with sick kids is easy. Turning your fortune over to build a children's medical clinic is hard. Which do you think we'll see him doing?

  4. "2. The only way that last sentence works is if Leo can fly just by flapping his arms."

    Now, come on. Obviously there are environmental costs to his flying around the world. But it's quite possible the benefits would be higher. (I'm not saying they WOULD be, only that cost-benefit analysis that looks only at costs is a little limited, you know.)
