Monday, October 14, 2013

Less Government! (NOT)

Man, I really do dislike our Republican congress.

Democrats say they will take money from some people who earn it, and use it to bribe some other people to vote Democrat.  And then they do exactly that.  Honesty.  Sure, it's theft, but it's good honest theft, Chicago-style.

Republicans constantly whine about big government, and letting "the market" work.  But when they say "the market," they mean, "large corporations that pay us to protect them from competition."

This is one of the most egregious examples I have seen...since noon or so.  Wow.  Excerpt:

“By allowing more foreign sugar into the United States, we create unnecessary and hurtful competition.” What left-wing hater of business and free markets could have said such a thing on the House floor Friday? 

It was Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, who over his nine-year career in Congress has accumulated a 93 percent rating from the American Conservative Union. On Friday, he was thundering absurdly about the danger “of becoming dependent on foreign countries for what we eat.” 

 In mid-September, Poe became one of the early co-sponsors of a bill that would have funded regular government operations on the condition that all funding for Obamacare was cut off. He proudly posted on Facebook his vote to defund Obamacare. In that fight, where Republicans lacked the votes to win or even move the ball, Poe talked the conservative talk and helped mire Congress in a lengthy shutdown that at least one poll suggests is already hurting the conservative movement's Image and helping Obamacare's popularity rebound. 

But in the fight over America's agri-socialist sugar program – a fight conservatives could have actually won with considerable bipartisan support if they'd stuck together – Poe was helping lead the charge on the wrong side. 

The Repubs call ACA socialism...when it isn't.  Then they vote FOR socialism, as soon as they get a chance, supporting our state-owned agriculture system.  

1 comment:

  1. You can see the roll call here, so as to see how it lost 192-212. (Rs: 130-85, Ds:62-127)

    House did accept an amendment to means test crop insurance, matching the Senate's bipartisan action there. $750k AGI means it's not exactly going to hit everyone farming.
