Tommy the Tenured Brit sent in this sign (click for a larger image):
1. Would this be Allen Iversen's favorite golf course, or Michael Jackson's? Or both?
2. Why no apostrophe for possesive? Is "childrens" just the plural of "children" in England? I think "churrins" would be the correct form of that.
3. The dog poop sign: clearly an afterthought. Perhaps they should allow practise after all. And maybe learn how to spell "practice." Allen Iversen could help with that.
1. Would this be Allen Iversen's favorite golf course, or Michael Jackson's? Or both?
2. Why no apostrophe for possesive? Is "childrens" just the plural of "children" in England? I think "churrins" would be the correct form of that.
3. The dog poop sign: clearly an afterthought. Perhaps they should allow practise after all. And maybe learn how to spell "practice." Allen Iversen could help with that.
It's an Englishism:
'Practise' is a verb (an action).
Tim: "It's an Englishism" is American for "you misspelled it!" You are just laboUring under a misapprehension.