Friday, October 03, 2014

Legal Horror Stories

Here's two recent ones that really amazed and disgusted me

1. Meth charge dropped after only spaghetti sauce found on spoon

Here's the public defender describing the case: “From what I understand, she was a passenger in a car and had a spoon on her, near her, and I guess the officer, for whatever reason, thought there was some residue,”

I'd give you the cops' version but, "Attempts to obtain the original arrest report from the Gainesville Police were unsuccessful"

Now sure this seems pretty funny, but the woman was in jail for a MONTH AND A HALF! For no other reason that the cop thought she was a meth-head.

2. Before the Law: A boy was accused of taking a backpack. The courts took the next three years of his life.

This kid was accused of stealing someone's backpack. couldn't make bail, wouldn't plead out. 3 YEARS LATER, the charges were dismissed!

3 YEARS, people.


  1. Regarding the Rikers Island article, I propose a new requirement government: Government is forbidden from passing any new spending until it can pay for the current government mandates.

    It is obscene that NYC is paying for public art (or just about any other spending) when it cannot (or will not) pay for a speedy trial.

  2. Well... we've got an economic system which hands out rewards to some and lemons to others. And we don't insist that these outcomes are perfectly correlated with moral justice, although we sort of think that there's some complicated sort of proportional relationship, or ought to be. You wouldn't tell a kid in your economic classes that Bill Gates was once unfaithful to his wife, and no longer deserved his 80 billion dollar fortune, for example, but you'd likely find something that explained or justified his wealth.

    What's so surprising about seeing that our "criminal justice" system is run along the same lines? Some people get good treatment, some get bad, and we shrug things off because whatever is happening is good enough to satisfy our taste for morality.
