Saturday, December 20, 2014

Is Porn Ruining Marriage?

So, is porn ruining marriage, and "economic society" to boot?

E.L. Brown thinks "no," and gives some reasons.  Her reasons are pretty convincing.

1  Reverse causation.  Unmarried men have more time,"need" for porn.
2. Selection.  The sort of people who hole up* in their mom's basement and watch porn all the time are not really likely to get married anyway.
3. Biased response.  Even anonymous surveys might be traced, so married men are more likely to lie.

There is, however, a more sinister explanation.  Women are insisting on being on their own.  Men are saying, "Okee dokie!"

UPDATE: On confirmation bias,  Patrick from Popehat sends this gem of a tweet-stream.  Nicely done.  As Simon and Garfunkel said, "We all hear what we want to hear, and disregard the rest."

All of which reminds me of (unsurprisingly) my article on "Truthiness."  If it's too good to be true, it's probably the lead story on CBS.  Or in the case of Prof. Van Susteren, FOX.

*Sorry.  I've probably destroyed marriage.

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