Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday's Child is Full of Links!

1. My prediction is that net neutrality will rise again. But for now...

2.  I gotta give @paulkrugman credit. Titling piece "Lies, Rage, & Incoherence on Tax Cuts" is a GREAT move. He can go back & retitle his earlier stuff "Lies, Rage, & Incoherence on Stimulus," "L,R, & I on _____." Accurately describes ALL his work in the past decade.

3.  Updated assessment and catalog of the problems with Democracy in Chains.

4. Idiots at Fox News "reveal" dark truth about defense attorneys: sometimes their clients are "bad people." It would seem that providing legal defense in a system of law is a good thing.

5.  An interesting test case for beliefs about "freedom": Should it be legal to do this? If not, what specifically should be illegal in the actions of this man?

6.  Mr. Un, tear up that ditch.

7.  Directly causal, or spurious, or just nonsense?  Wife's happiness directly correlated with difference in husband height - wife height.

8.  Bread and circuses.

9. Should profs allow laptops in classrooms?  A "no" answer.   And another "no" answer.

10. "Ima get that car!" "No, no you ain't gonna!" And so on.

11.  Reducing transactions costs increases effective excess capacity.

12. Legally, the state has no obligation to protect anything or anyone except the state. As in here. And now here.

13. We're all multicultural now...

14. The end of jobs?

15. A sensible leftist journalist recognizes the value of playing against the first team.  Handy that this would come out in the Tucson

16. Hole-y mole-y. Interesting story about moles and mole catchers.

17. You had ONE JOB.

18. On academic precarity.

19. Has-been angry troll is angry that reigning champion angry troll ignored his angry trolling.

20. Kids have never been safer. And it's not because parents are paranoid.  Parental paranoia is actually the chief danger, now that real dangers are mostly gone.

21. Honey, I found the car.  "It wasn't a perfect reunion..."

22. J. Oliver Conroy thought this.  And that made Lee Jussim and Akeela Careem think this. Matt Welch thought this. What do you think?

23.  "I'm against Net Neutrality! And here's an argument FOR Net Neutrality, as proof!"  Or something.  Tim Wu is against being against Net Neutrality. Because of course he is.

24.  Swiss Army considering conscription, or paying people, or some measures that are not the universal "reserves" model they have used.

25. Look, she's just singin', yo. If you want to say her songs are superficial and self-involved, that seems right. But none of that makes Taylor Swift an emissary for Trumpism.

26. I'd want to think more about the causal claim (though it's plausible; the problem is that MANY things are plausible...) Still, it appears that the availability of erotic services on Craigslist has reduced the number of sex workers killed or injured. 

27. McDonalds:  Nice save, actually.

28. How voluntary exchange saved the Pilgrims. A thanksgiving weekend special....

29. Might this actually be a moment where we later look back and say "Then....THAT's when it happened."

30.  The nationalist's delusion.Which can be well served by the protectionist presumption.

Grand lagniappe:  A black Friday "how to" poster:


  1. #5: Making the products is not illegal; telling people they cure cancer is. Thus it is a matter of enforcing the law the same for everyone. If Pfizer sold the same product with the same claims (and refused FDA inspection to boot!), people would be prosecuted for it (especially if the FDA told them to stop). Is THAT the government's business? An interesting, but different, question.

  2. #6, for some reason I read "defecation" in the headline and for the first few paragraphs.

    On a more serious note, thank you for bringing back MC, for all the work that goes into collecting and publishing - I always walk away having found something interesting to contemplate. Much appreciated!
