1. Interesting question: given that the "public" (that is, developers and construction companies) side is well-funded by tax dollars used for advertising and "education" programs about mass transit, is it illegitimate for private groups to try to balance the scale? Even if it is the Kochs? So-called mass transit tends to benefit wealthy neighborhoods whose residents want to go to sports events or go shopping. If we really cared about mass transit, we'd end the stupid parking restrictions on new housing. There is no "right" to free parking in densely populated urban areas. Just end the parking requirement, and the demand for mass transit will no longer be artificially suppressed by public policy.
2. Rats devalue currency. I'm sure George Selgin has some Fed metaphor for us, but in this case its literally true.
3, Wife sends husband back to jail. She was right to do so, but still.
4. Roger Stone is concerned that he might be indicted, because that would "suggest culpability." Yes, yes, it would. I understand the charges could be frivolous, and have to have innocent until proven guilty. But it would indeed be a bad sign if he is indicted. I wonder if it's just a tactic to charge him with something, get him to plead guilty for immunity, and so on.
5. Who are you going to believe? That outraged woman or some lying verbatim audio recording?
6. If this is true, it is remarkable. And bad.
7. Rubies are red, sapphires are blue, but the Times just said, they're actually really the same mineral.
8. Prices, products, and wage stagnation. (tl;dr: wages didn't stagnate)
9. The case for free trade is unilateral. The case for free trade is unilateral. The case..... No, really, it's unilateral. We should cut trade barriers even if our trading partners don't. If they want to tax their citizens, they get to do that. It says so in "The Big Boy Book of Governments."
10. American see "media bias" everywhere. And they are not pleased.
11. This is an actual refereed journal article. No, really. The dead cat is listed as a coauthor.
12. Jubilee! Or, pot jubilee, at least. (In Hebrew tradition, Jubilee was a debt forgiveness year. Interesting incentive problems....)
13. There's a decent chance that within the next year Trump will start appearing in public wearing a uniform designed by some famous designer. A military uniform. If we keep doing stuff like this.
14. America is an idea. But it is not ONLY an idea.... And the part that is not an idea is fragile.
15. Law schools need a new governance model.
16. The arguments for a "grand bargain" on immigration are not getting better.
17. The Texas Health Department....standing for truth in pickles.
Grand Lagniappe: C'mon. Is it REALLY a surprise? I think we all knew.... Every once in a while, the cat gets a signal from the mother ship: "YOU ARE IN THE WRONG ROOM! RUN!" And off it goes, with an insane look on its "face." Alien.
Re: #11. The impact factor of that journal is over 1. Holy moly.