Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday's Child is Full of Links

1. Now, okay, let me understand this. Who was teaching whom to drive? And what happened?

2. I'd like to teach the world to drink, with soft drinks full of dope. I'd like to buy the world a Coke, to keep it full of hope!

3.  Are capitalism and a clean environment mutually exclusive?

4.  Tomorrow 3.0: (a) Tech firms sell reductions in transaction costs, disrupt property market. (b) WeWork passes JP Morgan as largest Manhattan office space owner.

5.  Trump is very different from Obama. But in one way--destruction of party organization in favor of personality cult--Trump is Obama redux.

6. Henry Farrell on DIC. Jennifer Burns on DIC.

7.  Florida woman. And Florida man.

8.  One thing you have to give the Left: they actually believe their dogma.  This post aged like a fine bottle of milk left out in the sun.

9. Intergenerational mobility in India.

10.  Just. Give. Them. The. Money.

11.  A review of "Life After Google" by Gilder.

12.  A student in my undergrad class wrote this. Nice.

13. You're probably sick of these ubiquitous "College football mascot's t-shirt cannon misfires and smacks him in the groin" videos. But I'm not.

14.  We spent a lot of money rearranging lunch rooms based on junk science. And the kids just ate elsewhere.

15.  The always thoughtful Reihan Salam.

16. Your unicorn name.... Please share in comments. I am "Violet Moon Cover".

17. My colleague Richard Salsman on Venezuela: "Socialism worked, as advertised!"

18.  "Blueprint" The evolutionary origins of the good society.

19. Doing this is of no interest to me. But I'm glad the world allows capitalism to create such an experience for those who want it. And it's fun to read about.

20.  Florida: First in blue-hair percentage, first in being awful, and last in difference between highest and lowest points in elevation.  If you are wondering, the highest point in Florida is Britton Hill, with a commanding view of Lakewood. Here's a photo of the "summit."  (Though when Dutch Boy was there, the highest point in Florida was in Gainesville!) (Note for people who are neither old nor baseball fans, I borrow from the old saying about DC: "First in war, first in peace, and last in the American League." The Senators were not usually very good).

21. In an emergency, you have to suspend the law. Unfortunately, the sort of people who want to enforce the law are sometimes those who value their own petty power over any conception of the public good. On the other hand, there may be more to the story, and there may be good reasons why the county intervened. Let's wait a week, and I'll try to find out more.

22.  Is it news when a Nobel-winning economist sacrifices democratic principles to admire Latin American dictators? No, I don't mean Friedman, he was FOR democracy.  No, I don't mean Buchanan, he never even really advised any Latin American dictators. Or anyone else, for that matter. I mean Joseph Stiglitz.

23. On being an octopus.

24. Chinese BBQ restaurant serves medical professionals. depends on impact factor of you publication journals. And bigger discounts for better pubs: the rich get richer.

25.  This is disturbing.

Grand Lagniappe: I'm guessing that this person's user name is "admin" and pw is eight asterisks. Not very concerned with security....


  1. For more fun regarding Venezuelan apologists:

  2. On the subject of octopuses...

    "A Conserved Role for Serotonergic Neurotransmission in Mediating Social Behavior in Octopus"

    Or, how I learned to stop worrying and give an octopus MDMA

  3. Violet Feather Wind is my Unicorn name... and I fart glitter!

  4. Sprinkle Nimble Flower...bitches!
