Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday's Child is Full of Links!

1.  The American ideal of swift justice.

2.  Ashes, ashes, we all...go to the Haunted Mansion.

3. What do "chief diversity officers" actually DO?

4. Social credit system. It's only a matter of time. Bringing the chains back to blockchain.

5. So, the old rule was "don't run, don't lie, and don't be a jerk" when dealing with police. I guess we should add, "Don't lean up on one cheek and fart real loudly, and repeatedly."  And then there's Chris Rock's view of the matter.

6.  Oh......oh, my, no.

7.  Facebook ads: the bot may need some work.

8.  A "corpse flower." Named Morphy. Last time it bloomed, it looked like this. Hard to imagine what it smelled like.

9.  National Anthem, unplugged.

10.  That one personality trait...

11.  Trade wars are bad, and hard to win.

12.  The strain of xenophobia in the electorate has always been an important part of American politics. But it has rarely been enabled by a sitting President. Woodrow Wilson in the 1910's, and FDR against Japanese-Americans, yes. But this is remarkable.

13. Mike Pence changed the world, while we all tried to kill each other.

14.  Lou Dobbs? I have never admired the guy. But....really?

15. The immigrant caravan is a GOOD thing. Neoliberalism is the future we all want.

16. P-Bett has a new book....

17.  Jonah speaks wisdom.

18.  Lonely man, with a gun.

19.  The costs of patronage: Brit edition

20.  I get to talk with Russ R about Tomorrow.

Grand Lagniappe:  Andy hides behind Chrissy Teigen.

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