Monday, November 12, 2018

Monday's Child is Full of Links

1.  Making people valuable again.  Why, oh why, do so many folks fetishize jobs?  If stuff is almost free, they think that's a bad thing because there are fewer jobs.  And the jobs pay less.

2. Amar Bhide on the 2% solution.

3.  It is unacceptable to display the swastika; should the hammer and sickle be treated that way, too?

4.  He din' go out like a punk.  Brothel owner dies after major birthday party, still wins election, in Nevada.

5.  Angus is always a fan of "divided government." Because divided they bicker, rather than do stupid stuff.

6. Kim Davis is out.

7.  Toy library: sharing is apping.

8.  Classical liberalism and the problem of class.  My review of Hart, et al.

9.  Much of U.S. "aid" in Latin America is really a prop to thuggish dictators.  To paraphrase Ted Williams, "If you can't do do much good, you shouldn't do so much."

10.  Spoon Theory. And More. The original post.

11.  Florida Man, on midterms.

12. Promotion in Econ: Tyranny of the Top Five.

13. Tillman's wife, on "What Pat Would Have Thought."

14.  There was this. (about 1:00 for the Crenshaw part). And then this is pretty interesting.  Whole thing worth watching, but the part at 2:20 is quite funny. Some background.

15. In his own way, Woody-Wil was the Trump of his era. Only with extra eugenics.

16.  Charlottesville, with hindsight.

17. Peanut flavored.....IPA

18. Troubling truffles are not to be trifled with.

19.  Soon the meme will be "Google Trump," a frothy mix of...... (I mean if the Santorum can critique on likeability, and be right, it's only a matter of time).

20. It's actually true that it's hard to be poor in DC.  It's true. Yes, she has some money coming in soon, but it's a mistake to mock someone who is critiquing the DC housing market.

Grand Lagniappe:  "Hakuna THIS matata, you marsupial!"

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