Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Moonves Does NOT Rule Out Mungowitz to Replace Rather

CBS poobah Leslie Moonves apparently did not specifically rule out hiring Jon Stewart to replace Dan Rather. Drudge ran a picture, suggesting this means that Stewart might be hired.

But, here is something everyone appears to have missed. NOWHERE did Moonves specifically rule out hiring K. G. Mungowitz to replace Dan Rather. (See?) Coincidence? I think not. This means that I have about the same chance as that preening dickhead Stewart of getting Rather's chair. I can't wait.


  1. "The CBS Evening News with Killer Grease Mungowitz." Has a nice ring to it. If you get the anchor chair, you have to promise to do fire-and-brimstone libertarian-slanted commentary segments, a la Peter Finch's Howard Beale in "Network." And keep the 'fro; it's much more interesting than the usual anchorman helmet hair.


  2. I'd love to see that. We should get you in. It's all about who you know, of course. We just have to tap into the right channels.

    Arr har har har! What's the frequency, Kenneth?!
